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Telangana State Inter Supply Result 2019 released: Here's how to check marks on bie.telangana.gov.in

TS Inter Supplementary Result 2019: The board announced the TS Inter Supply result date for second-year students yesterday evening

TS Inter Supplementary Result 2019: Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) has released the TS Inter Supplementary results today, June 14. The TS Inter Supplementary or TS Inter Supply results are available on Telangana BIE/ Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education's official websites bie.telangana.gov.in, sbie.cgg.gov.in, exam.bie.telangana.gov.in and results.cgg.gov.in.

TSBIE had maintained that it would declare the results after July 8 but no update had been provided till yesterday. The board announced the TS Inter Supply result date for second-year students yesterday evening.

The Telangana State Intermediate examination 2019 was held on March 25, 2019. TSBIE has been in the midst of controversy after announcing TS results on April 2019. It invited severe criticism as over 3 lakh students were declared fail due to administrative glitches. However, the students were given free revaluations after an order from the Telangana High court. The TS had released its revaluated Inter results on May 27.

TSBIE Inter result was announced on April 18 with only 65 per cent students passing in the board examination.

How to check TS Inter Supplementary Result 2019:

Step 1: Visit any of the above-mentioned websites.

Step 2: Click on the TS Inter Supply Result link.

Step 3: Select your course.

Step 4: Enter your hall ticket number, click on submit.

Step 5: Your result will be displayed on the screen.

Also Read: Tamil Nadu Class 12th compartmental exams result declared; check your score at dge.tn.nic.in

Also Read: TS Inter Supplementary Result 2019: Telangana Board to announce result today on bie.telangana.gov.in

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