اخر الاخبار


Well, she definitely didn't ghost him.

A 31-year-old Arizona woman was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of stalking and harassing a man she went out with once, allegedly sending him a whopping 65,000 text messages.

Jacqueline Ades claims she met the unidentified Paradise Valley man through Luxy, an online dating site geared towards matchmaking millionaires with "pretty girls," according to Ades, in a bizarre, rambling jailhouse interview with several Phoenix reporters, including Arizona Family.

The two shared an evening together last summer, but apparently Ades wasn't ready to say goodbye once the date had ended.

She began sending the man in the neighborhood of 500 texts a day—about 65,000 in total, according to ABC 15 in Phoenix.

In July 2017, the man reported her to police for parking outside his house and, on April 8, Ades is accused of breaking into his home while he was out of the country. The victim was checking his home surveillance video and saw Ades inside. Alarmed, he called detectives, who found Ades taking a bath in the man's bathtub. The police also found a butcher knife on the passenger seat of her car and charged her with trespassing.

After the man began reporting her behavior to authorities, the tenor of her texts changed from heart sick to violent in nature, with messages describing herself as the "new Hitler," and exclaiming, "Oh, what I would do w/your blood... Id wanna bathe in it" and "I hope you die... you rotten filthy Jew." She texted, "I’d wear ur fascia n the top of ur skull n ur hands n feet," according to Arizona news station, Eyewitness News 3.

After failing to appear in court multiple times to address the trespassing charges, Ades turned up at the man's Scottsdale office, where she was escorted off the premises, protesting to the officers that she was his wife. When Paradise Valley police heard about the Scottsdale incident, they began a search for Ades and charged her with threatening and intimidating, stalking, and harassment, according to court documents obtained by USA Today.

While Ades is being held without bond, she held a press conference, telling the assembled reporters, "I felt like I met my soul mate and I thought we would just do what everybody else did and we would get married and everything would be fine." Insisting she wasn't "crazy," she called the man her "healing angel."

Ades also went off on tangents about the illuminati and her attachment to the number 33, claiming a psychic told her she had the same astrological chart as Jesus and "Jesus came to be at 33."

When pressed about the charges, Ades mostly demurred, whispering, "I don't want to talk about that," and changing the subject to something more arcane like the symbolism of the artwork contained on the dollar bill.

Though she was reluctant to admit any wrongdoing, she did express surprise at the 65,000 text message total, claiming that it seemed like she'd sent many more than that. After one reporter contradicted her claims of simply sending messages of love, and pointed out all the gory threats, Ades answered, "When you're finding love, not everything is perfect. This was a journey."

Ades is due back in court on May 15, according to CBS News.

[Photo credit: Jacqueline Ades' Instagram, @magicaldelight]

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