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National Football League

National Football League

The national league is one of the most prominent sports tournaments in North America, and the league is the highest level in the sport of American football in the world. The national league runs for 17 weeks and starts at the beginning of September until the end of December. Each team plays 16 games a week. After the end of the regular league, 6 teams from each league qualify for the final stage of the knockout phase, which ends with the Super Bowl final and takes place on the first Sunday of February and brings together the two champions.

He founded the National League in 1920 and was known as the Professional American Football Association (AFPA), then changed his name to the National Football League in the season of 1922. The National Football League merged with the American Football League in 1966, The league was completed in 1970. The American league has the highest attendance rate (67,591), more than any sports league in the world, and is the most popular American football sport in the United States. Super Bowl is one of the most watched events on television in the history of the United States and ranks first in Nielsen's TV ratings in the United States. The executive director of the US League has the highest authority in league management decisions.

The Green Bay Packers are the champions of the league with 13 titles (9 pre-Super Bowl and 4 after); Pittsburgh Steelers are the most popular Super Bowl titles with six titles

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