اخر الاخبار

Approach disinformation in the speech Aldaashy

Read of the Egyptian Al-Ahram newspaper (Al-Azhar Al-Sharif Observatory)Became utter Daash hesitate much in the media, written and audio-visual and holds the use of this word pictures bloodshed, arson and ruin the name of religion,This terrorist organization, not simply of committing crimes in human civilization and humanity, but is working full force to spread the poisonous and false ideas in different languages, taking advantage of technological revolutionIn the field of social networking to attract young Muslims from all over the world. It was a duty to address this thought and refute and expose the truth even Muslim youth not to fall into the clutches of extremismThe most important pillars of misinformation upon which the organization, among them Aldaashy1. Adoption of the speech Aldaashy to generalize and not to engage in doctrinal details may be controversial for the recipient who does not have this background boring not futile2-dependence on filming their opinions on it is approved unchallenged. Vengdam follow in their writings scream like jurists - Collect scientists agreed3. rely on texts and conversations that serve their thoughts without taking into account the provisions of a separate interview to be to bring them up to become clear ideaAnd it removes the confusion and even combining and understanding4-curtailment texts of contexts in order to serve their principles5-reliance on the language of emotional discourse which drives the religious feelings of jealous of their religion, which they show themselves in the eyes of those they are Muslims the right organizers of the religion of Allah on his land6-call historical events that show the glories of Muslims, connecting Zlkpmvahem migration and jihad and he can not return to the Muslims' power and glory, but jihad for the sake of God7. portrayal as a hero Mujahid not shove his dust, and to rely on in this modern media technologies8. playing the chord persecution of militant Muslims in the country and some aspects of harassment and persecutionOf Muslims in non-Muslim countries, and the call to migrate to Daash right to practice religion without persecution.9-flattering Bmoaud divine for those who are fighting that kills his paradise and bliss and pleasures do not end as an input to those who are ignorant of the reality of religion10-split rhetoric into two types, type it can be said that he Aldaashah scientific school rumored words and discussed and debated fast demonstrates that the Daash pursued what is right and what else is vanityThis type of address has a tinge of reading, culture or religious background makes him dilemmas with crude Aldaashah positions of murder and slaughter and slaughterThrough this quasi-scientific discourse Alamadd piecemeal and Almitsrh texts out of context can discourse Aldaashy elimination of Statistics in these dilemmasWhich qualifies them to belong and selling out to its banner convinced that these are the people of God and championed the banner of the right to landThe second type of discourse can be called emotional speech Commoner, who addresses the fools who are driven by religious passionThe desire to establish the law of God and did not precede them with an earlier culture or religious background but wanted deep down that the law of God prevails, those attracted by the wordsResonant and logos that are of religion and phantom image of the hero Mujahid who kills the enemies of God Ki evaluates the limits of God12. address the non-Arab Muslims mouthpiece circular market and texts piecemeal migration of the country's blasphemy to a Muslim country and if theyThese terms do not work for the Muslim Arab resident resides in a country of religious rites, but they find an echo when a Muslim resident in the West13. linking Islam concepts of loyalty and disavowal questioning the sincerity of Islam do not befriend and unparalleled in God and make Alhla and disavowal idea is based on the murder and slaughter and destructionEveryone who is against the organization14. chanting phrases such as -alvar people, apostates, traitors, customers ... making Received slob gets used this expression and corrupted itself little by little, he finds a problem that the people of his country and the town of Kfar traitor army must fight15. question the credibility of the central religious discourse of Muslim Scholars and download Gharbbh Ktoby talk to strangers on themselves, making them are supporters of strangers and outsiders the right to voidIn conclusion, it should be to unleash Anturk exotic and extreme ignorance and ideas that can justify some of the unjustly and falsely accuse religion of inciting the assassination of humanity and the consolidation of hostility between religions and cultures, a love which calls for cooperation and promotion of virtue

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